Friday, 01 November 2013 13:12

November 2013

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Making your online store more profitable


A message from our CEO, Steve Moen

Mobile by the millions

If we've heard it once, we've heard it a thousand times: mobile's momentum isn't about to slow down. Or is it? Despite reports citing the ongoing uptick in smartphone adoption, market saturation is inevitable. Some firms are forecasting that saturation in the United States could come as early as November 2015.

The mobile story to follow, therefore, is that smartphone prevalence in daily lives is just now getting interesting. Furthermore, tablet adoption is on the rise. As of June 2013, there were 69 million U.S. users powering up their Apple iPads, Galaxy Tabs and Microsoft Surfaces, leaving a large percentage of the population still anxious to get on the tablet bandwagon.


Mobile design tip sheet

Before you get in too deep with a mobile design project, download our tip sheet, which includes a handful of commonly overlooked mobile design elements.

Get the Tip Sheet


Creating a successful website requires a strategically driven effort. It also requires a holistic understanding of technology, UI/UX, marketing and analytics.

Schedule a Consultation

As a full-service eCommerce firm, we have the expertise to help you coordinate your website development efforts.

Staying relevant with mobile, WebSphere Commerce

If the whole point of online shopping is convenience, then why aren’t more sites mobile enabled? Some of it may have to do with the perceived difficulty in developing an effective mobile site.

Read the Blog


3 things to know about mCommerce in 2013 and beyond

As the mobile market continues to mature, merchants will want to understand how it's changing - be it in the market's users or its technologies.

Read the Blog

Published in 2013